We all know that baby showers are a wonderful way to celebrate the impending birth of the baby where a mom-to-be is literally showered with gifts to make sure that she has all the essentials for their new bundle of joy. Traditionally it’s a party where you gather your closed friends and relatives and celebrate it with fun and exciting games. But given the pandemic, baby showers are now being held virtually.
Yesterday, I’ve attended my first-ever virtual baby shower with my Millennial Moms PH and Johnson’s Baby family. I was one of the lucky moms who got invited to the said event! We were not only showered with gifts but also lots of learnings! All my anxieties were washed away and all my questions regarding the safety of my unborn child were answered. Thanks to the guest speakers and to my fellow Johnson’s mombassadors who showered us with advices and support, it was really helpful because being pregnant during the pandemic is uniquely stressful.
So here are my takeaways:
- Having a suppressed immune system due to pregnancy makes me worry about my health and the safety of my unborn child. Yesterday I learned that I shouldn’t worry too much, all I need to do is to just follow the safety precautions specially when going out for the prenatal visits with my OB-GYNE. And it is a must to keep ourselves healthy by eating nutritious food and taking the vitamins regularly.
- As a nurse I know that hospital supplies are all sterilized but it still good to know that Doctor Gonzaga reiterated that it is safe to use hospital linens and pillows but we can always bring our own for our peace of mind.
- Breastfeeding is of course mentioned during the discussion. Breastfeeding is still encouraged even if you have been infected with Covid-19 as its benefits outweigh the risks. In fact there have been no evidence that the virus can be transmitted through breastfeeding. The virus can be transmitted through droplets so it is advisable to wear mask when you breastfeed your baby.
- Lastly, we were encouraged to enjoy this pregnancy journey despite the pandemic. It’s really different now, we can’t go out and have fun with our friends, we can’t go out to shop, we’re a bit isolated and that’s all because we want to be safe for our unborn child. So focus more on loving yourself and your unborn child while a home. Keep up with friends and relatives online, join supportive mom community like MillennialMomsPh, tune in to Johnson’s School of Gentle Sessions on Facebook to get expert tips on pregnancy, safety and childcare in the time of Covid-19.
Once again, thank you so much @Millennialmomsph and @Johnsonsbabyph and to all the sponsors @absolutedistilled @ceoemporium @beginningsbaby @kamisetarobmagnolia @sweetbabydiapers @vpharmaph @bybaph @tinybudsbaby @giantcarrier @kindercareph @edamama.ph and @theasianparent_ph for making this event possible.